An entrepreneur’s best friend and most valuable marketing tool is their business card. Too many people have cards that simply blend into the multitude of simple designs out there. To make your card unforgettable, there are several steps you need to follow. While you will find tons of other options that claim they will make your business card appealing, here we will cover the four biggest points of unforgettable business cards.
- ALWAYS spend more on quality
- Incorporate your photo
- Restrict the amount of information
- Opt for white as a background colour
ALWAYS Spend More on Quality
You can always get your hands on basic business cards for pennies a piece, but think about what kind of message that will send to your potential business associates. Would you like to be given a cheap business card with cheap paper and an unpleasant print job? Probably not. Instead, consider printing your cards on silk laminated paper, clear frosted paper, white linen paper or even plastic. You’ll leave a much more lasting first impression on a potential partner or associate this way.
Incorporate Your Photo
The thing about people is that they’re visual types. This means that in order to remember someone, they need to be able to put a face to a name. Going off to a career fair or business convention and coming back home with 30 different business cards increases the likelihood that they will be quicker to remember (and potentially get in touch with) those folks whose picture was included on their business cards. So, include a photo of yourself on yours.
Restrict the Amount of Information
The last thing you want is to have a potential business prospect’s head spinning from having to read too many little words on a small-sized card. That’s why you should take the time to carefully formulate, select and include only the most important information on your business card. Minimalism is key here, which means you should typically include information such as your name, job title, phone number, email and the company name. Remember to also print them in a clear and easy to read font with good spaces between them.
Opt for White as a Background Colour
Usability is an aspect of business cards that many neglect. Playing into this is best done by selecting white as the background colour of your cards for a very specific reason. It allows your potential business partners to write additional info about your company or personal notes on both sides of the card. Consequently, you will significantly increase your chances of being remembered by those you’ve given your card to or who have received it through other means. This will also improve the possibility of you getting a great job.
Need A Business Card To Dazzle And Impress? Let Quickcards Come To Your Aid
There are plenty of ways to ensure your business card stays on the mind of your recipient. The absolute best way to ensure that happens is to work with the experienced crew at Quickcards who work with you to create a masterful design that will accurately convey the message you want your business cards to carry over. Choose from a plethora of card types, designs, colours, materials, and pretty much any other idea you may have for your cards. Contact Quickcards today to make your perfect business card dream possible.