When you meet a business partner or prospective client, what do you do? What do you exchange? Business cards are very important in this day and age. With all the technological advances, it may not seem that a business card is one of your most important resources. Even so, your business card is out there on the front lines making the first impression, and it’s crucial to have personalized cards that stand out. A good first impression is very important, and business cards can help with that. Business cards provide snapshots of you to people you want to impress. What do people think when they see your card? What does your card look like? Is it plain or unique? Whatever it looks like, you want it to stand out and make a great first impression.
All business cards should emphasize your name, contact information, position and company. Another thing that’s common is the company logo and email address, as well as the website. By making an above average business card, you help strengthen your professional image. During meetings or conventions, you may distribute dozens of cards and those cards may be the only thing you are remembered by.
Here are five tips for a better card:
- Avoid unnecessary complications
- Use colour for maximum impressions
- Incorporate a photo
- Pay attention to the type of material
- The back of the card shouldn’t be ignored
Avoid Unnecessary Complications
Don’t let your business card design get too complicated or busy. A sleek and simple design may be just what you need. So don’t fall into the trap of adding everything possible to your card, keep things sleek and simple.
Use Colour for Maximum Impressions
Unless your business card is definitely better off with a simple black and white design, it’s best to add splashes of colour. Using a glossy finish can take you that extra mile, making your card look even extraordinary. Be careful when designing your card, as certain colours trigger certain emotions. Red conveys power and strength, while green elicits serenity.
Incorporate a Photo
Remembering everybody’s name at conventions can be a difficult task. By adding a photo to your business card, you solidify your identity with those you meet. You can help others create a memory of yourself by adding a photo.
Pay Attention to the Type of Material
Very important details of your business cards are the paper they are printed on and the thickness of the card. Others may get the wrong first impression of you if your card is the wrong thickness, or if it’s flimsy. Do you want your cards to convey that you are solid and secure, or that you fold easily?
The Back of the Card Shouldn’t be Ignored
You can use the backside of your business card for your benefit. Make your business card more valuable by adding contact information, website information or your business location on the back. You might save your card from the trash can if you add a map, calendar or business motto.
Need a Professional Business Card? Go with Quickcards
Adding a personal touch to a business card and ensuring it leaves a memorable and lasting impression on the recipient can be done in a number of ways. The absolute best way to go about it is to opt for personalized cards crafted by an experienced professional. If you’re on the lookout for such a professional, reach out to Quickcards. Be it business cards, gift cards, membership cards, promotional cards or virtually any other type of card imaginable, Quickcards is the place to be. Get in touch with the company today and ensure your business cards reflect the real you.