The simplest way to understand why investing in personalized gift cards and starting your very own gift card program is a must for every business out there is because it increases sales. Making money is the general idea behind every single gift card program, despite a number of other benefits such a program offers. A well-placed gift card program can create various ways in which your business can profit, some of which are as follows:
- It helps build and foster relationships
- Attracts new business
- Cause customers to spend more
Helps Build and Foster Relationships
Gift cards provide you with new ways to connect with both gift card givers and receivers. For example, gift card recipients may visit your website in order to check store hours, see what’s on sale, reload the card, check the balance, activate the gift card and so on. You also have the option of rewarding your customers with each reload, purchase and visit, especially if the card is also tied to a loyalty program. This leads to brand loyalty and repeat business.
Attracts New Business
Typically, a gift card has the power to bring at least two new customers into your store. First it brings in the giver who is usually a loyal customer that wants to share their love of your business with a friend or relative. Next is the receiver, who will be introduced to your business when they bring in the gift card they received purchase your products. One of the best ways of encouraging return visits is to reward both parties separately. When it comes to the receiver, think something like “redeem your gift card this weekend and receive 15% off your total purchase.” For the giver, on the other hand, think “buy $100 in gift cards and receive $10 promotional gift card.”
Cause Customers to Spend More
Compared to customers spending “their own money,” customers shopping with gift cards are much less price-sensitive. Rather than sticking to the deals and rummaging through clearance racks, these customers much more often pay full price for products and services. This clearly shows that having a well-designed gift card program in place is more than worth the investment. If you go a step further and also invest in personalized gift cards, you’re looking at an even bigger ROI.
Looking to Benefit From Personalized Gift Cards? Get in Touch with Quickcards
When looking to put a personalized gift card program in place, it is always important to consider where you get your gift cards from. Opting for the right gift cards can either make or break your gift card program, meaning that choosing the right company to source them from is a crucial step in the process. This is exactly where Quickcards comes in – a company that has been at the forefront of gift card manufacturing for more than 16 years. Quickcards uses a convenient and easy process to ensure your personalized gift cards are as effective and eye-catching as possible, which makes the company THE perfect choice for any and all gift card programs you’re thinking of implementing. Get in touch with Quickcards today and ensure your business thrives with expert help from a reputable and pioneering gift card manufacturer.