Plastic gift cards are one of the most widespread gift giving products in Canada. This means that people often accumulate a large number of already used cards, which they end up stacking somewhere. Unfortunately, there are also people who do not dispose of their trash in a proper way, so plastic gift cards end up polluting nature. Following comes the question – are plastic gift cards positive or negative in the long term?
Environmental risks
Plastic has endangered our nature and environment for many years now. It is true that plastic gift cards play a role in this situation, however, as with most plastic waste, the owner of these cards is actually to blame. Recycling options nowadays make it possible for almost all types of plastic to be recycled. This means that gift cards can be properly disposed in recycling facilities, if the owner of the cards is environmentally responsible, of course.
Unfortunately, the production of plastics is a process, which damages nature even more. Because of this, many Canadian companies offering plastic gift cards turn to recycled materials for their products. This is a conscious effort to reduce the negative effects plastics have on our environment and the future of our planet.
In the long term
Recycling is not the only way we can reverse what has already been done by petrol extraction and plastic production. Making reusable plastic items is also a good practice if we want to stop polluting. This is why plastic gift cards are actually a step towards limiting plastics’ harmful effects. What is even better is there are reloadable cards and that can be used over again.
When it comes to plastic gift cards, their long-term ecological footprint is significantly better than when initially produced. Considering the combination of these factors, it is safe to say that using gift cards can actually improve the current plastic crisis.
Plastic versus paper gift cards
There are numerous mediums for the production of gift cards. The most widespread, especially in Canada, are paper and plastic gift cards. When looking at this choice initially, you might think that paper gift cards are the more ecologically conscious choice when looking for a gift card. However, this might not be everything to the story.
The production of paper is considerably more eco-friendly when compared to oil extraction and the production of plastics. On the other hand, paper is considerably less durable, and paper gift cards can hardly be used more than once. This is why in the long term, plastic gift cards are better for our nature and environment, compared to paper ones.
Plastic gift cards can be reused, reloaded or recycled, which means that this process can go full circle. Paper cards can only be used once, and after that, there is a need for a brand new card to replace the old one. Unfortunately, the limited lifespan of a paper gift card leads to the excessive production and use of paper. While plastics are the nemesis of our environment, paper production follows as a close second.
Deforestation is a major problem these days, and the use of paper gift cards only builds on that. While they are easily degradable, their production leads to the extinction of species, and the loss of natural habitats. This is why it is more eco-friendly to use plastic gift cards, rather than paper ones.
Choose wisely
Considering everything mentioned above, it turns out that choosing the more eco-conscious type of gift card can be a difficult process. Despite that, we believe that our focus should be set on the future, and this is why we would recommend the use of plastic gift cards, as they are going to have a more beneficial effect on our environment in the long term.